Monday, February 13, 2017


The engineers are all aboard – they’ve flown in engineers from the Azipod manufacturer to oversee the whole mess – and they are working, we assume, diligently to fix our problem.  We decide to stay aboard and use these days as additional sea days – we’ve toured Melbourne enough and really don’t feel the need to go outside again.  Why?

So we spend our time reading, hanging out and watching movies. And waiting for updates – which don’t come from the Captain.  All the good will they have built up so far is quickly dwindling in our minds.  The Captain was so good at updating us while we were adrift and being towed, but now is on radio silence.  Not comforting.

We do get letters (what our room attendant calls “papers”) from the Hotel Director saying we “anticipate” sailing on Tuesday 2/14 and all guests should be aboard by noon.  But “anticipate” doesn’t really fill us with much confidence.

We are of two minds:  stay with the ship, or fly to Christchurch and then Auckland for our drive to Whangerei.  We’ve looked up flights and they are reasonable. We’ve asked guest services if they will pay for both flights, and they say they’d have to get it approved but we think it would be likely they’d say yes. So we have a decision.  The only glitch is that we are required to turn our passports into guest services for Australian immigration and we are afraid if we make the decision to leave Tuesday morning we won’t be able to get our passports back.

Sigh.  What to do?

We eventually ask again at Guest Services about the passports and they say we can keep them until 8:30 Tuesday morning.  But then we must make a decision.  Ok.  Good compromise.  We’ll make our decision in the morning and go from there. 

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