Saturday, February 11, 2017

2/10 & 11–Slowly towing our way to Melbourne

All day we drifted off the Coast of Australia.  Our tug, the Hastings, was scheduled to arrive at 5pm, but then was delayed until 8pm. So we spent a lovely day (we are SO fortunate with the weather) just drifting slowly toward land.  It is sunny and good temps, though, so the pool is packed and everyone seems to be having a great time.

The Captain has been giving updates regularly – nothing has changed – just when the Tug will be arriving, and what will happen afterward.  And that we aren’t in any danger, we’re drifting very slowly and would not hit land for another 20 hours at this speed, so the tug will be here in plenty of time.

They have also told us that we can stay through the whole cruise, or if we wish to get off in Melbourne, they will give us up to $350 for a flight to Auckland, or $300 to cover flight change fees if we want to fly directly home. They are giving everyone free internet time and phone calls if necessary, to change their arrangements.  We have a laptop in the Concierge lounge that we can use anytime we are up there – so all has been smooth so far.

The tug finally appears out on the horizon around 7:30


and tons of us congregate on open decks just watching the procedure. 


In the process, we are also treated to a lovely sunset….


…as we finally get tied up to the tug around 9:00 and start our ever so slow journey back to Melbourne.


Another tug arrives to escort us a little later, and we spend the rest of the evening on a very calm and smooth sea.


Saturday is another beautiful day, and we continue on our course, watching our towing and escort tugs.


Ed and I decide to check out flights to Auckland, just in case we get stuck in Melbourne for the duration.  So we have everything mapped out and our back up plans in place.  For now though, we’re staying on until the end, where ever that may be!

We get additional tugs as the day wears on, and end up with 4 of them as traverse the huge bay and narrow channels and lighthouse outside of Melbourne. 


It takes us most of the day just to get through the bay, and we end up docking right after midnight. Phew.  The sail in is beautiful though... 


..and we are extremely happy to just be tied up and stable for the night, we call it a night too and head off to bed.

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