Friday, February 14, 2014

2/14–My new job

I’ve made up my mind!  We’re moving here and we are starting a proofreading/translation service.  We will offer our services to all the companies and small businesses we see, making sure their translations – and in particular – their spelling – are correct.  Some examples:


Ok, so we know Pho can be a little sloppy to eat, but Vietmamess? 


Shrimp Ships – wow how do they sail?  This in addition to the “fist” sauce that came with Ed’s chicken last night!

Also, “Rib aye stake” from the restaurant across from Sababa.  “Fresh fruit sheks” from Sababa.  And last but not least, Johnson & Johnson for heaven’s sake….


I think we have the beginning of a beautiful career here!

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