Saturday, January 15, 2011

1-14 Beach day

The storm has passed and the sky is perfectly clear – and dare I say it? It’s actually hot and humid – and it’s only morning!  A very bizarre week here in Maui.  The mud still remains on the roads and in the parking lots. They are blowing it off the lot at the grocery store, so now there is mud dust in the air. But some lots are still caked with it, and we see plenty of people shoveling out of their drives and stores/shops.  Mind boggling.

We don’t have anything planned for today, so we decide to hit the beach.  We pack our lunch (yes Marti, we are following your lead!) and head out for Po’olenalena beach – where we sat on the rocks the first day here. We know there is shade there, and that is what we are after in this heat.

We hit the beach a little before 10am. 


There are plenty of people already there, and we stake out our shade claim.  Thank heavens for being early birds, because the cars and the people start piling in.  By noon – the cars are parking on the street way up the hill and there’s nary a spot to be had in the shade – and you’re fighting for beach space too. Wow! 

We hang out, read, watch the surf (no whales today) and people, and generally have a wonderful day.  Munch on our sandwiches, eat our apples, read more, and then watch the exodus around 12:30 when people decide they’ve had enough sun and/or are hungry and weren’t smart enough to pack a lunch like us. 

We head home a little after 1 too, so we have time to cool off and clean up before our sunset whale watching cruise!  Note for our next beach excursion:  you get plenty of sun even if you are under a shade tree. So we are lathering up next time!

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