Thursday, May 1, 2014

4-21 ARE Challenge day one

12:45 can’t come soon enough – when the appointed time finally arrives, we rip open our clue, figure out the riddle and head to – of course – the pool!  (Andrew has warned us we might get wet – so we’ve worn our bathing suits just in case!) 

Once at the pool – we get our challenge which is to retrieve 10 letters from the pool – some that are floating, some that are weighted and submerged.  Once we have the letters, we’ll be asked to solve a clue.  Only 2 can participate – so Randy and I do it – Randy in the pool – thank God! – me with the cards.  Once we finally get all our cards (especially the ones from the random Polish woman in the pool who is hiding them from us – she’s not even a participant in the game! Come on!) – I get the clue – who is the godmother of the ship? Oh who the hell knows!  Of course the one thing I have NO FREAKING CLUE about.  I start to put together names – but it’s useless.  Thank heavens Randy remembers that he saw a plaque on the 5th floor with the name and he runs off to get the name.  In the meantime, I’m just spelling random words – like Pimento – and I want bonus points for that – but Andrew says no.  Sigh….

Finally, after what seems like forever but is only a couple minutes, Randy returns with the name and we call the Marshall over for approval and our next challenge!    Next up is basketball – the one thing Ed says “I hope we don’t have to shoot basketballs”!  Oh well – here we go. We get messed up going the wrong way and some pool attendant tells us wrong (he was probably put up to it by another team!) – but we find the court – then can’t find the Marshalls, but eventually we get it going!  It takes us a while – but we all persevere – 3 shots total by each person from 3 different places around the court.  Poor Prim – she’s had shoulder surgery and isn’t supposed to move her shoulder – not to mention has never held a basketball in her life – but she gives it the old college try and gets her shots pretty quickly!  We finally get everyone to sink their balls – and off we go….to the Croquet court.

Now we each have to get the ball through the wicket.  You’d think it’d be easy – but really – its not!  And it’s raining now – oh well – all part of the race.  We manage to get a rhythm going shooting balls, returning them to the start and setting them up for the next player – and don’t do too badly with the challenge.  Fun!

Now it is on to the Pit Stop – which is right around the corner in the Sunset Bar.  Yay!  We’re the 2nd to arrive which gives us the advantage to leave 2nd the next day.  Phew.  39 minutes total for our time.  We’ll see how that goes along the way. What fun!

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