Thursday, May 1, 2014

4-20 Nassau

We’re in early to Nassau, followed closely by the Oasis of the Seas (such a monster ship!), then NCL and another RCL ship right behind us.  For some reason we aren’t allowed off the ship for about an hour.  Not that it bothers us – we’ve nothing planned except walking down to Arawak Cay where the Fish Fry places are located. 

It’s a beautiful day – sunny, warm with a nice strong refreshing breeze (ok, wind, it’s pretty strong, but it is refreshing!).  We skip off the ship around 8:30 or so, and head through the gauntlet of tour, taxi and horse and buggy drivers.  Finally outside the port (which is a maze – I tell you!), we head down the main street toward Arawak.  It’s a nice walk – probably 1 to 1.5 miles each way – with the sun shining and the wind blowing we pass through the main town area (including the Dunkin Donuts!!) and then down past Junkaroo beach (where vendors are just starting to arrive).

Once past the beach, the streets and sidewalks are pretty deserted, which makes for a nice little walk.  We get to Arawak Cay and of course, since this is Fish Fry restaurant heaven, not much is open at 9:00 in the morning.  More a lunch and dinner place – but we wanted to see it and get a feel for what was here in case we wanted to come back. Which, of course, we decide we don’t – why waste the food on the ship!
After a picture to prove Sunny has actually begun his international travels,

we head back into town – detouring through the straw market which was spectacularly uninteresting.  (Thailand has ruined us forever for markets!)  We actually wondered if anyone would open up their little stalls and stands today, being that it is Easter Sunday – but by the time we return from our Arawak walk, everything is open and bustling!  Not to worry cruisers- your dollars are good here!

It’s a whopping 10am and we really aren’t ready to go back to the ship yet – so we stop by Sharkeez for a very early beer.  Yeah, well, what can we say?  Sunny enjoys the friendly locals

And we sit on the outside deck, passing time, watching the cruisers pour out of the port, using the free wi-fi and chatting on Skype.

Back aboard well before lunch – oh well – what else is there to do?  It was actually fun and relaxing.  Lunch, then hanging around on our balcony watching the thousands of people streaming back aboard the Oasis and the idiots that were ½ an hour late who weren’t even running to get back aboard. From the pages we could hear, we think they left 4 people behind!  Hey – when the captain says we’re sailing – they’re sailing!  Although – to some of their credit, possibly, the cell phones picked up some bizarre network and had the time wrong by an hour – so if you were looking at your cell for a clock – you thought it was an hour earlier than it actually was.  We’ll give the family that ran aboard really late that pass- but the 4 drunk guys who stood at the end of the gangway guzzling the last of the beer don’t get any consideration at all!  We’d have left them!

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