Wednesday, October 1, 2008

9-23 – Second day at sea

Rough morning at sea – weather has turned and its kind of cloudy, rainy windy. Not very pretty at all. We spent the day just relaxing, lounging around, trying to get the darn Internet to work. We are occasionally able to connect from our cabin, but it is brutally slow and not very reliable. We’re burning through our minutes like nobody’s business and barely getting anything done. I’ve resorted to sending most of my emails through the back up AOL account. Not pretty. But at least we have something.

No cell phone service – that’s for sure.

Sea days are great – but rainy, cold sea days aren’t exactly the best. Because everyone is inside – and every public area gets crowded quickly. Princess does have tons to do around ship –but still – you can only go to so many lectures on the Titanic or Liners crossings before you’re burned out of lectures.

But, we made a day of it. Soup for lunch – they have a soup station every day on the solarium deck – pretty cool. Today was beef consommé and then you added a bunch of stuff, like mushrooms, cheese, croutons, bamboo shoots. Really kind of fun.

Went to the Cruise Critic party which was jammed. All the senior officers were up there though – which was really nice. Captain, Staff Captain, Hotel Director, Cruise Director. Also had champagne and fruit punch type alcohol drinks – that’s a first.

Afternoon activities – trivia (no we didn’t win), gym, then on to dinner. Asked for Alfie, got our pager and went to the lobby bar with Hazel. Talked to her about Hong Kong and what they could do right off the ship since it’s an over night. Got buzzed into dinner and the Maitre’d (whose name I must get tonight) told us he skipped some people so we could get Alfie’s station. Then he led us to the window seat! We were highly impressed and appreciative.

Dinner was great as usual – but I’m fooded out already so I just had an appetizer (escargot), soup (onion) and a salad for dinner. Ed had appetizer (pate), soup (onion), salad and xxxx. But the best was that Alfie was selling unlimited limoncello fro $4.95. Bottomless! He said he’d never let the little glass empty – and we got to keep the glass. Ed went for it (I was shocked!) and we had limoncello all through dinner. A nice little addition!

After dinner, not much going on. We thought about going to the comedian, but then decided the cabin was more comfortable. Hung out, watched TV and then hit the hay. Think we’re doing too much relaxing! But – that’s what a vacation is all about!

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