Off to the gym – it was PACKED!! Not a machine available and a line waiting. Blew that off and walked the little jogging track - it was nicer to be outside anyway! Headed off to breakfast after our ½ hour workout, made to order omelets, all the spread you’d want, including eggs benedict (too bad Cathy doesn’t eat breakfast!!!), best part of it all is that the coffee and water (and juice) is served to us at the table. Love it! And it’s real coffee – not that syrup stuff – or if it is syrup, it’s done right, because it tastes great.
Quick shower, then to Horizons for more coffee and pictures of yours truly. Nice to be out and about on deck, the ship is very nice and the staff quite friendly. I think I’m going to like this cruise line quite a bit! Next up is the Cruise Critic party. Harry and Connie (Harry mostly!) got everyone started off, about 30 of us went around the room introducing ourselves, then just chatted. Met Andrea and her hubby who are also sailing the Anchorage to Bangkok Princess cruise in September. Talk about a small world!
Next stop – pool deck. We hung out on one of the Balinese loungers (built for two with plush towels and bolster) for a while – until Cathy started to burn that is! You should see her legs! She had on shorts and it looks like she has thigh high hose on! Too funny – and a very good reminder that sunscreen is a must at all times – even if we’re only out in the sun for ½ an hour or so. Trundled off to the aft deck for lunch. With the breeze it is quite enjoyable and pleasant. Bypassed the buffet today for the hamburgers at the grill. There is a huge variety available, but Ed chose the New Yorker with cheddar and chili, while Cathy had the Texan with BBQ sauce, sautéed onion and jalapeno cheddar. Sat next to Harry and Connie and chatted away.
The rest of the day loomed with 2pm Portuguese lesson, 3 pm Arts & Crafts watercolor beach sunsets (yes, we even went and painted our sunsets. There were a few ringers in the class, so us plebes stayed in the corner and giggled at the outcome! Ed the realist, Cathy the impressionist, me in the middle watching!). Wandered, hit the gym, showered, hung out on the balcony, before dinner drink at the Martini bar, dinner at Polo (awesome as usual, Ed ordered the king cut Prime Rib –and we can not believe he ate the whole thing! It was 32 oz. - bigger than huge! Cathy got the tuna – 2 days in a row for seafood, a new record!). Rolled out of dinner, actually made it to the show – a cute magician who kept us occupied with ring and rope tricks. Then to bed! Fun day at sea.
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