It’s all about the routine! Well, I shouldn’t say that, but we do fall in to a predictable pattern of our days. There are 4 lecturers aboard, 2 we have sailed with before (Lisa, a teacher and historian who is delightfully entertaining and Steve, a Titanic historian who has great stories and anecdotes about the ship and the disaster) and 2 new folks (Elliot who was a sports broadcaster/editor/producer for NBC and is “that guy” who has all the answers and provides a lot of the color commentary for the announcers, and Pino, and Italian engineer who talks about the “blue” technology of the sailing industry, i.e., clean technology). Needless to say, with 4 lecturers, we’re busy all day long.
So, that’s how we’ve spent our days, learning interesting facts about Spain, Brothels (yes, Lisa has 2 presentations on brothels – the first women CEOs in America!), behind the scenes at the Superbowl, plastic pollution in the ocean and the orphans of the Titanic.
In between of course we have time for drinks and food. I don’t normally rave about ship food, the Luminae food is all excellent, but there is one dish that has stood out so far: Hamachi tartar in an avocado. This thing was a) beautifully plated, and b) extraordinarily tasty! So I had to take a picture. That’s a sliced avocado halved formed over top the Hamachi tartar with fish flakes and roe on top. What can I say?
We spent our days in lectures, our nights on the balcony watching the water. And I saw my first shooting star! So exciting! I couldn’t believe it. So of course every night I scanned the skies for more, but no, that was my only one. It was enough! Pretty awesome.
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