Saturday, October 28, 2017

10/28–Marseilles Abbeye St. Victor

Caffeinated and rested, we venture around the block to the Abbaye St. Victor.  This 11th Century monster looks like a fortress, but is actually 2 churches – the 11th C one built on top of the original 5th C building. 


Seriously – that’s a church!  Inside, the walls are thick stone, with ancient archways.  I’m enthralled with this place for some reason.  It is mystical and magically and mysterious, all at once.


There are relics on display, bones of different priests and martyrs encased in gold and glass…


..really cool.  There is a crypt downstairs that is part of the original 5th C church, but we decide to skip that and just head back outside, still marveling at the fortress like quality outside, the peacefulness inside.

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