Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2/28 Espinoza Point & evening aboard

The zodiac ride was much calmer, but we did manage to get stuck in the shallows by the dock. After pushing off with a walking stick (they are a nuisance to walk with – but sure come in handy for other things!), we successfully landed and were greeted with our first marine iguana sighting. A huge colony of them, piled over top each other – right in our path. Easily numbering in the 100’s, these things are an amazing sight, but thoroughly disgusting They smell, they spit and they look like sci-fi monsters. Eeeuuw yuk! Of course, Missy Michelle and Cathy have that gleam in their eyes that I know spells trouble. Try to fight it as I may, they yank me out of my comfy pack and summarily plop me down on the ground next to these nasty creatures. Argh! I’m going to need a Purell bath for sure when I get back on board!

After a few interminable moments, they pick me up and we stand gazing at the heap, listening to people ask really stupid questions. Come on folks, move along! We’re at the end of the group and these things are moving towards us. One in particular seems to have designs on Maggi! We’ve got no where to go – trees behind us, piles of iguanas in front of us and people with dumb questions on either side. Move it!!!!

Finally we trek off! Over black lava flows, watching our first Galapagos hawk, looking at SLCs and enjoying a really nice breeze. The lava reminds us of Hawaii and its fun to pick our way through it listening to Geovanna, chatting with Ellen and Michelle (well, maybe not Michelle….I’m still sore about the fishing line idea…), Maggie #2, Dick and the rest of the gang. We reach a point over a sheltered bay type area where we watched a marine iguana swim in from the sea and Cathy takes loads of pictures of SLC. Of course, the net thing I know, here come the girls again! I’m plucked out of hiding and unceremoniously plunked down next to one of those darn crabs! Have you seen those pinchers? Pick me up! Put me back, damn it!

Phew! A close call averted. The group turned back and we headed toward the beach area to view some sea lions and more nasty iguanas. ON the way, Maggie 2 fell and scraped here knee and hand – first war wound! We poured water on it and made sure she was ok, then headed off. She’s quite the trooper, bleeding away, but not letting that stop her from our walk and explorations!

The beach area held lots of iguanas and sea lions. WE all had to walk single file to avoid stepping on any iguana egg nests. Halfway through the walk we came upon a huge iguana colony on a rock. Here comes that gleam again – this time it’s Michelle who plucks me up and sets me down next to those stinky things – I’ll just die if one of them spits on me!!! Photos done (thank heavens!), we continue walking around, taking photos of a fantastic rainbow and assorted wildlife. On our way back to the zodiac, we once again cross over the colony by the dock. We gingerly pick our way around them – we’re getting to be pros at avoiding wildlife by this point – and hopped on the zodiac for the ride back to the mother ship.

Cookies and frozen drinks await us as usual on board. Then, freshened up, we all gather for the briefing and then the “sound of Silence” BBQ under the stars. Richard joined us – he’s getting his sea legs back obviously! We sat outside under a surprisingly cloudless sky and feasted on soup, salad, buffet fixin’s and good BBQ beef (we didn’t realize there was fish until afterwards – oh well!). Drinks in the Discovery Lounge then off to bed for our next great excursion.

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