Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2/26 Floreana Island

Happy Birthday to Cathy. Up bright and early for our excursion, and Cathy was greeted with birthday cards and presents (including a massage at 2 – courtesy of Ed!). Another beautiful day, but not as hot in the beginning part of the morning – although after the sun had been up for a little bit, it did heat up. Today’s activities are much less strenuous (their definition and our definition of ‘strenuous’ don’t really mesh, but it’s all about the audience!) – a short walk through easy paths to view flamingoes in a lagoon, then a walk across the island to a sandy beach to view stingrays and back again for snorkeling from the beach (dubbed ‘sissy snorkeling’ by Ed – as opposed to ‘real’ snorkeling which is done directly off the zodiac).

Morning on Floreana
Team Zodiac strategy works again! Last zodiac off and the 6 of us had another private tour, this time with Jessica. An easy walk through rather shaded areas, we learned about a tree that protects from mosquitoes – it’s scent repels them – and watched for finches and warblers again. AT the first viewing area, we could see 30 or ore flamingoes, some feeding on shrimp (which is what gives them their pink color) others just standing in the shallow brackish water. We learned a very interesting fact – the reason why the flamingoes legs look like they work backwards (their ‘knee’ goes to the back) is that their ‘knee’ is actually much higher on the bird – almost up their body – and what we are seeing is actually similar to our ankle – which is why it moves the way it does. Who knew? (lots of things we are learning this trip! Too much to remember actually – so whatever little goofy nuggets we can retain will be found here for posterity!)

We moved on to the next viewing area, a platform perched higher up a hill with a panoramic view of the lagoon. Lots of photo op’s here – you could see the trails the flamingoes make while walking through the lagoon and eating. We noticed what looked like the number ‘48’ in their trails and through that was pretty amazing since Cathy was turned 47 – just beginning her 48th year – that day! (ok – it’s a stretch – but hey – come on – it was close enough to be noted!!)

Next, our little troop moved on to the beach on the other side of Floreana where there were lots of stingrays in the water, plus a shark and a few giant turtles. The beach was white and sandy, and it was the first time we could clearly see the turtle tracks and nests that they made to lay their eggs. The tracks are eerily reminiscent of ATV or 4WD tire treads – leading up to the dunes where they dig a huge whole, lay their eggs then move back to the sea. The water at this beach was very clear with little tide – we all wished we could stay there to snorkel with the animals.

But, alas, that was not to be. Off we hiked, back over the small hill to the landing beach where we had left our snorkel gear. Maggi, Cathy & Richard all suited up in wet suits – Ed decided to forgo the suit and handle the water like the polar bear he really is – snorkel equipment at the ready – we headed out to the water. Temperature was nice – warm enough not to wear the suit, but the sun is so strong and there was talk of jelly fish, so we decided to be safe rather than sorry. Ed took off, even without his vest, and Richard followed. Maggi and Cathy stayed closer to shore trying to get the hang of the equipment. After a few attempts of panicked water spurting, Cathy got the hang of it (blowing up the vest really helped with the panic feeling), but Maggi decided it just wasn’t for her. So as the boys headed out with the underwater cameras, frolicking with sea lions (one brushed past both Ed and Richard), Cathy practiced a little bit here and there (managing not to drown or cough up any sea water), Maggi enjoyed the water and conversation with the other bathers. I was finally let out of my room and enjoyed a few moments basking in the sun on the beach. There weren’t any wet suits small enough for me, so I wasn’t allowed in the water. That was probably a good thing since I’m thinking some of those bigger fish might like a small pup for fish food. Plus, those sea lions…..Bavarian pups might sound like a nice dessert for them! I was happy enough just to bask in the fresh air, sand and look out at the water from somewhere other than the cabin for a while.

On our way back in the zodiac, we had our first penguin sighting! Yea! A penguin on Cathy’s birthday – how perfect!! We found out later that a few people (Barry from across the hall) had actually seen the penguin while snorkeling! Would that be cool or what? Hopefully we’ll have that opportunity tomorrow at Bartolome island where the colony of penguins actually resides.

Back aboard, the very nice morning excursion, followed by an excellent lunch of Ecuadorian specialties – including the awesome cerviche – then off to do our separate things for the afternoon until our 4 pm excursion to Baronness look out. Cathy headed to her massage – excellent, btw, Alicia has a wonderful pair of strong hands – Ed to load pictures to the computer, Maggi to read, Richard to nap. A perfect afternoon respite from our Xpeditions!!

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