A few other interesting things to note:
The bridge staff will get on the PA and announce when it’s going to rain. A few times now they’ve warned us of impending rain showers, which is very nice. If you are up on deck, you have time to grab your gear and run before you are drenched by these sometimes torrential downpours. First time we’ve ever had that on a ship.
Every day at noon, we get the Captain’s report and also an announcement with the time and 8 bells are rung. On the 6th, they let one of the 4 children aboard (yep, only 4 all under the age of 8) ring the bells (in honor of her birthday – she turned 5) and her slightly older sister got to make the time announcement.
We found a way to get real brewed coffee for “free”. We purchased a Cappuccino card at the coffee bar which gives you a discount on any specialty coffee purchased (basically one free after you buy 14) and along with the specialty coffee you can have unlimited brewed coffee at no additional charge. Helps conserve my coffee bags, which I still go through at an alarming rate!
Had our first island night which was really fun. The basic island music party but set up on a stage on top of the small pool at the back of the ship. It was cram packed and very fun. No extra outside buffet –however they keep the inside buffet open at night and from what we understand, they used it as the fruit and dessert buffet for the event.
Crossed the Equator without any challenges. Celebration came the day after as we crossed at 6 pm which is dinner time for early seating. Big pool deck celebration the next day with King Neptune in attendance. We are now no longer “pollywogs”—those who have yet to cross the equator by sea. We are now officially “shellbacks.”
Think that’s about it for now (posting this early – it is only the 7th – but don’t know that we’ll have anything too exciting to add about our 4th sea day!! If we do – we’ll just add on!). Next stop – Honolulu.
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