Sailed into Aloha Tower (well, not the actual tower, but the pier there!) right on time, actually a tad bit early. It was a perfect Hawaiian day – beautiful blue skies, a balmy 70 or so degrees going up into the 80’s. A perfect day for the outdoor hiking and sightseeing we had planned.
Since this was our first American port on the cruise, there was an immigration inspection planned for the morning. All passengers had to go through the inspection at assigned times before disembarking the ship. We had heard that this process could take forever, and we were resigned to not getting out and around Oahu very early. As a matter of fact, our scheduled immigration time was between 10:30 and 10:45. So, we figured we’d have an abbreviated day – we only had the car until 6, even though we sailed at 10.
We finished our walk early, showered and breakfasted and then were looking at each other around 9:15 wondering what to do next. Our immigration meeting spot was in Club Fusion (our basement), so we headed back to the cabin, figuring we could hang there until we were called since we were so close. Good decision! We had no sooner hit the cabin when they made an announcement that all remaining passengers should report to the immigration inspection! We ran down to the basement – and were directed right through. Walked right through showing our passports, and voila!, we were off and running.
Rented our car through Enterprise, who, when we pre-booked, told us they wouldn’t pick us up at the pier. Didn’t really matter since it was only a 5 or 6 block walk, so we headed out down Nimitz to Ala Moana to the office. It was a long walk, but even as it turned out Enterprise would pick up at Aloha Tower, it was so busy with the ship’s tours, etc., they were having difficulty locating people. The rental agent took pity on us though, and gave us an upgrade, so we had a newish Corolla to tootle around in.
Hit the road heading east past Hanamauna Bay and Hawaii Kai golf course to Makapuu Point to hike to the light house. Didn’t take but half an hour or so, even in the terrible Oahu traffic. Once there, we pulled right into the recently upgraded parking lot and headed up the trail.
The trail is more of a concrete path that winds up and around the Makapuu cliffs. It’s a beautiful, if strenuous, walk up to the top viewing platforms. Along the way you walk from the south side in the sun, then turn into the West side where the stiff breezes off the Pacific ocean cool you down quite nicely. In the middle of the walk there is a viewing area to watch the migrating whales. Unfortunately, we were too late in the year for whale watching, but the view of the Pacific and ragged cliffs below was worth the stopping – not to mention for a little climbing rest!
The path continues on up the cliffs to the summit, where two viewing platforms have been erected. Both give out to stunning views of the North side of Oahu, including Waimanalo and further down to Kailua. If you stretch out and look down, you can get some excellent shots of the lighthouse as well. Small and red roofed, it resembles a fireplug perched in the cliffs. On the other side of the viewing platforms you can also hike farther up the hillside to inspect the pillboxes left over from the War. We wandered through scrub a bit, then headed back down to sea level.
All in all, the whole walk doesn’t take more than an hour or so, including rest and photo stops. We hopped in the car and headed off toward the Pali highway to find the rainforest trails. We had originally planned to make quick pitstop in Kailua and go back to Buzz’s for a quick bite, then hit the rainforest trail. We decided we really weren’t all that hungry, so we just stopped at a Safeway and Long’s Drug to stock up for the last 5 shipboard days (boo hoo!).
Back on Highway 12, we headed South back toward Honolulu on 61, the Pali Highway. The tour book said the trail heads were located right after the tunnels coming from Honolulu. Unfortunately we were going in the wrong direction with no way to get across the highway (big metal dividers with absolutely no breaks). Figuring we’d find some where to turn around, we continued on in the direction of Honolulu and found the turn off for the Pali Lookout. Thought for certain we could get out and make a U-Turn that way. Nope, no U-Turn there! The road takes a very long loop through a park and dumps you out into a parking lot for the lookout. It’s one way in and one way out! Since it was obviously the tourist hot spot (buses upon buses), we went right by it which worked to our advantage, because on the way out you could choose Honolulu or Kailu. We got headed in the right direction, came through the tunnels and there was a little tiny parking lot with the trails.
Had to stuff the car in the lot because some ungracious SUV driver had parallel parked instead of head in, but we managed to fit in with a little bit of room to spare if the SUV left before us. Headed off on the Maunawili trail in search of the waterfalls listed in the guide. The trail actually runs for 9 or 10 miles and must come out somewhere on the other side of the mountain as the materials all said you would need transportation back to your vehicle. We had planned to walk in far enough to see the waterfall, then turn around. Never even got that far! But it was a great hike – the path crossed so many streams and rock beds (that were fortunately dry because it’s not the rainy season!) we saw plenty of forest and beautiful vistas without the waterfall.
Back on the road to Honolulu – headed down to the Ala Moana mall for an internet fix, then back to Enterprise and the shuttle to the pier. Shared the shuttle with a younger couple we had never seen before – we’ve been all over that ship for 25 days and we’ve never seen them? How can that be? We’ll never know because we never saw them again! Amazing.
Hit the ship, dumped our packs, freshened up, then headed out to Aloha Tower Marketplace. Great place to shop for tzotchkes, and not as expensive as one might think. Picked up some great little treats for the office and friends, then headed to a Tiki bar on the second floor for happy hour. Sandi and Larry wandered in so we spent a very pleasant hour or so chatting and enjoying beverages. Finally decided to head back to the ship for food – alcohol on an empty stomach and all that! Made it to dinner at our appointed hour and then headed to the balcony at 10 to watch Waikiki slide away into the darkness.
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