Saturday, February 28, 2015

2/28–Corinthian Canal

We’re heading back, but first we must take a detour to the Corinthian Canal.  This is one of 3 in the world – Panama, Suez and Corinth – we think because of the  mechanics – but we're not exactly sure.  Whatever, we want to see it.  The Hertz agent has told us how to get there going out – but we’re doing this on the return, so it’s a bit dicier.  We can handle it.  Only one wrong turn (because we programmed the GPS for the town, not the canal – which Alice couldn’t find) and we end up at the canal when it was open.  Totally good luck!

The electronic sign says the road will be open in 14 minutes. So we get to stand there and watch as a tug pulls a freighter through, and then the lock closes and the bridge emerges from the canal.  Totally wild. Almost better than the ruins!! The series below shows how the lock closes.  Video posted here shows it in motion.


Great unexpected surprise.  We get back to the car, then drive over the bridge….


..with a look to the left down the canal.  Great way to end the day. Ancient to Modern!

Back on the highway, we head back into Piraeus, letting Alice guide us through the inner city and back to Hertz.  Good long day out – capped off by a drink at the Irish Pub (well, what the heck, it was there, and well, heck, the ship’s only a block away!).

Back aboard, we’re too stuffed to even contemplate dinner – buffet for salads, and we’re happy campers.  Turkey (the country, not the food!)  tomorrow!

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