Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/19 Copenhagen continued

So – onto the evening!  Got back to the hotel and took a quick pit stop – then decided, since we hadn’t eaten all day, to go out and get Polser from the street carts around the main square.  Polser is the Danish equivalent to a hot dog but, really more like a sausage. the cart outside our hotel had a mozzarella Polser that Ed had his eye on – but we decided to go to the main square and check out the carts there.  When we were here before, we remembered there were quite a few to choose from there. 

Well….little did we know, but the time trials for one of the huge international bike races were going on – and the finish line was right at the main square (so now we know why the helicopters have been flying all around our area in the afternoons!).  They had a huge screen set up, food and beverage tents and it was a complete melee of people, bikers, and security.  We hit a break in the action and were allowed to cross the street into the square.  Then we stood on the “fence” line and watched a couple of bikers come through the finish line.  Pretty exciting.  But eventually our stomachs got the best of us and we went off to find a Polser.

We chose the cart closest to the action and got one bacon wrapped and one with everything (which included french fried onions and some greenish yellow sauce we couldn’t identify but tasted great.)  We’d post a picture, but from the ship?  Not a chance on this slow network!  Will update later.

After filling our stomachs, we wandered down the pedestrian shopping district window shopping and continuing to be amazed at how expensive this city really is – but how it seems everyone around was shopping without a problem.  I mean a small can of coke costs almost $3US.  It’s astonishing. 

Heading back to the hotel, we got caught in the final finals for the bicycle race that day – the leaders were crossing the finish line, so we had to take the long way around to get back to the Mayfair.  More exercise to work off the Polsers.  Cleaned up a bit, then hit the buffet which was being replenished as we arrived (thankfully!).  Then hit the room for the rest of the evening to get ready for embarkation the next day!

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