Just some miscellaneous notes about the ship, the food, the people…
We’ll start with the Sailaway BBQ! Huge charcoal grills set up on the pool deck at 3:00 on the Lisbon day. Goes on until 5 or so, and they have a whole buffet up there with all the normal BBQ fixins: potato salad, corn on the cob, coleslaw, etc. The BBQ is great- chicken, burgers, hotdogs and steak. We of course had to have the steak – which meant no dinner for us – just snacking in the Sports bar.
Which brings me to the sports bar – again! We actually got a football feed on Sunday and got to watch the Bills and the Patriots, the Packers and Bears, then if you were so inclined to stay up until the crack of dawn, the Steelers and the Buccaneers. We hung out snacking on wings, dip and popcorn watching the games. Great fun. Then on Monday – did the same (after our 3:30 steak) and watched the re-run of the Steelers game, until the satellite froze with 3 minutes left to go in the game that is. Oh well – it was fun while it lasted!
Entertainment – still a little out of our realm. Although they did have something called “sing it if you know it” which was pretty hysterical actually. Everyone is in teams, the band plays a few notes from a song, anyone from your team can run up and name the tune (5 points), then anyone and everyone can come up and sing the song, or dance to it or just act stupid and get 5 more points. At the beginning, one of the cruise staff from Russia was trying to explain the game – and it was like a Saturday Night Live skit – between her accent and the rules…we were already in hysterics. Then the game began – it was like bad karaoke on steroids. Think of a bunch of OP (old people – although there was one very large younger gal up there – maybe only in her 40’s?) up on stage fighting for the microphone, singing poorly and dancing around. Oy vey! Then the show let’s out – now it’s RROOP (really, really old, old people) filing in, milling around and talking loudly to be heard over the bad singing. Actually – it was fairly entertaining.
Hot tubs – 5 tubs – 4 at the main pool, of which only 2 work right – one is too cold, one the jets don’t work. 5th tub is our hot tub – we go up in the evenings and there is no one there. More than likely that is because it is attached to, of all things, the kiddie pool (complete with an adorable little slide into the 1 foot of water at the bottom). The tub and the kiddie pool are also right at the “Quiet zone” area – complete with sign proclaiming silence in and around the lounge chairs upstairs. We can’t quite figure that one out – hot tub/kids? quiet zone/kids? Hmmmmm……and while this tub has the correct temperature, only half the jets work, and then, only for 3 minutes at a time. We call it the “Lost” hot tub because we have to keep pushing the button or all will be, well, “Lost”! (I apologize to all our friends who didn’t watch “Lost” – it’s an inside joke, and way too hard to explain!)
RROSP – So, 7 days in, now all we have Really, Really Old Sick People. Yikes. They are all sniffling and coughing and sneezing (right in your face sometimes, thank you!). We are sucking down airborne gummies like there is no tomorrow – but Ed already has the cough…so….we know what comes next. I swear – we’ve used Purel everywhere – all the time! Next step are face masks…yuk!
That’s all for now…more later after 6 sea days…for sure!