Monday, October 19, 2009

10-7 Ruby Princess

Embarkation day today.  Up and out early – our morning walk and cabin stocking expedition. Had breakfast first thing, then to the Coop supermarket, back, showered and ready to go meet the Rageths for a farewell Cappuccino.  It’s a foggy morning, once again…autumn in Venice.

We spent a lovely last hour or so together at a little cafe by the hotel. After a tearful goodbye – we went our separate ways – the Rageths to more Venice sightseeing, us to our motor launch and the Ruby Princess. 

Luckily for us, there were 3 other couples at our hotel going to the Ruby Princess as well. We were able to join together with them for a private water taxi to the ship.  Saved us hauling all those bags up and over the bridges to the Aliguna public water bus – and saved us about an hour in travel time.

The private taxi whisked us away, across the lagoon, CIMG9595under the train track bridge connected Venice to the mainland, and sped us around the passenger terminal docks to deposit us right where the porters took our luggage.  It was great

We arrived awfully early – the wait was over an hour to board, so we contented ourselves with people watching and trying to gauge just what our fellow passengers would be like.  We actually met up with Murray and Ro in the crowded waiting area – how we found each other we’ll never know – but then lost them in the melee that became boarding for “group number 1”.  Seems like they gave everyone #1 boarding passes and it was a zoo review lining up to get aboard.

After scooting onboard, dumping our back packs in the room, we set about exploring our new digs.  Nice ship!  1 year old and very nicely done.  The layout is very familiar from the Sapphire and Diamond – but with extra decks and entertainment venues.  We explored, hit the library for books, the internet cafe and then hit the dock to wander around Venice for the afternoon.

We explored the area behind the Pizzale Roma (the car park) and wound our way through Accademia to the Ca d’Rezzonica (the Rezzonica palace).  This was once a grand mansion on the Grand Canal that is now a museum depicting life in 16thC Venice.  There are some original furnishings and lots of recreated and renovated areas to give a good idea of how Venetians lived in past splendor. 

It was a great way to spend an hour or so – wandering through the huge ballroom and then into the side anterooms where the family would entertain or take dinner.  We spent time wandering through the rooms, looking at the plaster and wood work, the frescoes and all the paintings (some original to the palace, some brought in from other residences).  You could just imagine life in the 16thC with the flowing dresses/gowns, the men in suits or smoking jackets, walking out their front door to the waiting vaporetto on the canal.  Really interesting.

CIMG9608On our way back to the ship we stopped in a piazza behind the palace for an obligatory beer and wine.   Then on to stock up on cabin supplies, enjoying the modern day Venetian atmosphere…people walking, bridges to cross, kids coming home from school, the sun setting throwing shadows around the canals and providing relief from the sun and humidity in now shady piazzas.



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