Ok – so today is a very boring day. We just really hang out – enjoy the lovely weather – it’s maybe 75 degrees and not a drop of humidity. Hit the gym in the morning, after doing our work, then proceed to the pool to read until lunch. Today we reverse the lunch – I have eggs and Ed has salad. (See I told you it was a boring day.)
We read some more (yeah, boring), then instead of the gym we go out walking. Down the Ping river walk to the Iron bridge where there is the Bus Bar! It looks like an awesome hang out – parked in the lot at the beginning of the iron bridge right on the river.
Maybe one night we’ll try it, but the pictures we found of New Year’s Eve look a little young for us. We’ll see – it’s not like it is all that far away from us!
Over the bridge we go, then up the River to the big Nawarat Bridge, one of the main motorways out of the city. Around the Governor’s Mansion, then back down Charoenprathet Road, which skirts the Ping River. We stop at the DownUnder Bar (obviously Aussie) for a refreshment – just to check it out for the Super Bowl. It is one of the few places that will be open and showing the game. It’s the closest one to us so we wanted to see what it was like. Eh, for the game, it would be workable – if necessary – but that’s about it. You can tell it will get loud and obnoxious fairly quickly and fairly easily.
Back on our jaunt home, we pass a salon that may be my new nail place – a little off the beaten track and 20b cheaper than every place else. That will be next week’s adventure!
Tonight we are cooking in – Ed prepares a great pork tenderloin with cauliflower and fresh baby corns, using the spices we bought in Sanibel and the salad dressing we got here as a marinade. Yummy! Then it’s a night out at the Ansuran Market. Off to the Bamboo to watch the Night Market shoppers, listen to the great singer (who halfway through the set swallows a fly and we all think he’s going to lose it right there – I would have – oh yuk!). Sunny has a very good time, people watching and of course imbibing in adult bear beverages.
After a couple of beers we head down the market and decide to stop in at a new place, The Roadside Bar and Grill. They have a beer special – plus 50b Pad Thai. We are not hungry in the least now, but if that’s still going on, we’ll for sure be back. They also have a great female singer – so we sit at the bar a bit and listen. Sunny has a little too much fun – and we have to call it a night!
Back to the condo, after taking the obligatory before (daytime) and after (night time) night market pictures.
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